A Fantastic Bestiary
A Bestiary is a text or manuscript that contains descriptions about animals – real and mythical – which stood as allegories for Christian moral codes. Bestiaries were popular in England during the Middle Ages and the descriptions were generally accompanied by beautiful hand-drawn illustrations.

You can explore some of the creatures that can be found in a medieval bestiary by starting a Choose Your Own Adventure journey here at A Fantastic Bestiary. Enter a world where real animals exist alongside fantastic beasts and your choices can result in your own digital bestiary, or digital demise!

Welcome to A Fantastic Bestiary!
The Dragon, a flying reptilian animal.
The Basilisk, a flying animal with large wings 
                        and a long neck
The Phoenix, a brightly coloured flying animal.
The Hydrus.
The Unicorn.
Jared Auer, May Poole, Qian Zhang, Ruixue Wu, Thomas Larkin, Vick Gwyn, Wen Ren
A Fantastic Bestiary
Read along. Decide your path. Document five fantastical creatures to complete the adventure.
Encountered Creatures
The Crocodile.
The Weasel.
The panther.
The Ostrich.
The elephant.

Narrative Introduction

You receive a letter from a mysterious distant uncle known as Philip de Thaun, who propositions you with a mission of great importance. His life’s work has been the cataloging of fantastical creatures. In his old age however, his ability to chase down these beasts has waned. He charges you with continuing his work: to document the remaining creatures on his list. An initial tip from Uncle Philip as well as clues you pick up along the way will guide you in pursuing these creatures. By the end of the game you have written a bestiary of your own using all the information you gathered along the way.

Choose an animal below to begin this quest.

The quest for the Unicorn begins
The first creature on Great Uncle Philip’s list a Unicorn, a horse-like creature with a single horn growing from the top of its head. In a note scribble down the side of the letter, next to the creature’s name, Uncle Philip writes “a very swift creature; neither principlaities, nor powers, nor thrones, nor dominations could keep up with him.”

Cryptic. But you notice the language alludes to a higher power. Should you seek the help of…

  • The King
  • The Monk
  • The Doctor
The King

You make your way through the winding streets of Westminster, the stenches of humanity assaulting your nose as you go. Your plan is to address the King directly, but you can’t make your way through the castle gates with the title of a lowly artist. As a disguise, you decide on…

  • A member of the aristocracy
  • An alchemist
  • A member of the clergy

The Monk

You travel to the monastery. It takes three days and you are very tired by the end of the journey. As you approach the holy building a monk by the name of David spots you, bringing you inside for food and shelter. As you eat you begin to speak with David, telling him of your missions and showing him Philip’s note written on the letter. He stares for a moment, pondering its meaning.

“It is my opinion, dear friend, that your Uncle may be referring to something of a divine nature. In all my years of pouring over the texts I have seen but one entity that is above all of these dominions…”

“And that is?”

“And that is God himself my friend. I cannot tell you how to catch he who knows and sees all, it would be against my sacred beliefs. There is a woman I know of, a witch, whose dark knowledge may assist you, but I cannot in good conscience give you her name.”

“I understand. Sorry for wasting your time.” Brother David leaves the room briefly. You look around and notice a few books on a table in the corner. You race to the small stack and quickly study the cover of each work. You hear David’s footsteps reapproaching the room and decide you can only take one book, which do you take?

  • The book with an upside down pentagram and wanted poster for a scraggly-looking woman stuffed inside the cover
  • The book that appears to have the very creature you seek in gold filigree across the top and bottom of its cover
  • The diary and address book of Brother David

The Doctor

Your neighbour, the village’s only doctor, is always the first person who comes to mind when you need help. You rap on the old man’s door three times, after which you hear the soft sound of his shuffling footsteps makes their way to the door. He greets you warmly and invites you inside.

“You know, my child, I am in need of an apprentice.” He says after you exchange some pleasantries. “I wouldn’t be able to pay you much, but I would be able to teach you the ways of my trade before I pass on. I never fathered any children, so one day I could leave my business to you.”

You ponder the idea for a while. You’ve always liked your old neighbour, he’s been kind to you, treating you like his very own child. You accept his offer, and the quest for those fantastical creatures fades from your mind.

End of Journey.

The Disguise

You walk past a wealthy bath house, where many men and women were busy cleaning themselves and socialising. You make your way around the back, ensuring that your presence goes unnoticed. One of the rear windows is open, and hanging from the sill is a fine outfit, one fit for a member of the aristocracy. Glancing over both shoulders to check you are alone, you proceed to pull the garment from its perch and begin to dress yourself. At that moment you hear a shriek from inside the bath house - before you know it, a head has popped out from the window above you yelling Thief! Thief! You try to run but the garb you had been trying so frantically to put on catches beneath your feet, causing you to trip. Before you manage to make it back to your feet, you are surrounded.

End of Journey.

The Alchemist Disguise

As you make your way closer to the castle you pass a travelling showman, he’s asleep by his cart. You see this as an opportunity to create your disguise. Moving quietly so as to not wake the man, you rip the red show curtain from its railing and drape it over your shoulders. In the back of the cart you notice all sorts of props… this pretend spellbook should be perfect!

Your alchemist costume is rudimentary at best but good enough to get you through the castle gates. You take a moment to absorb your new grand surroundings before continuing on your way. A servant boy passes by you, eyeing you with curiosity. To diffuse any suspicions the boy might have, you ask him…

  • A member of the aristocracy
  • An alchemist
  • A member of the clergy

The Clergy Disguise

You elect to disguise yourself as a member of the clergy, purchasing for yourself a brown cloak and set of rosary beads from a local merchant. You are spotted almost immediately by another holy man and directed to go and join the brothers at the scriptorium. You oblige and follow the man, eventually arriving at a large room full of books, scrolls, pots of ink and men all writing in a reverent silence.

Your gaze is drawn to a stack of papers on one of the writing tables, naturally you go and inspect. There’s works on all manner of supernatural creatures: faeries, phoenixes, dragons and the like, as well as… ah! Unicorns. You pick up a curious piece of paper that has been folded three times…

Unicorn Scroll

That was helpful. You can see that much of the brothers’ work here is centred around many of the beasts on your list, as well as a slew of others. The room is simply full of information on fantastical creatures.

All at once the room is filled with the booming voice of a man yelling, “All rise for the entry of his majesty, King Henry!”

The aura of light coming from the doorway that leads into the scriptorium is obscured by a girthy man with fiery red hair. The monarch began to make his way around the room slowly, inspecting the careful work of the brothers.

“Very fine work indeed, my friends. All this will surely aide me greatly in the capture of these incredible creatures, the taxidermied remains of which will grace my great hall as tremendous hunting trophies, as well as signs of my immense power.”

The thought of this sickens you, but you still need help with your quest. You decide to…

  • Chastise the King for wanting to help the creatures
  • Offer up a hunting technique to the King
  • Offer confessional to the King

The Pentagram and the Wanted Posted

Your logic tells you that the woman in the wanted poster is the witch brother David spoke of, so you snatch the book and make your way out of the monastery’s back door. Running as fast as your legs will take you, you follow a trail from the monastery to the nearest town.

It’s growing dark quickly so you decide to settle in for the evening at the local tavern. The place is packed to the walls with men and women seeking merriment and dancing partners. Hoping to join in, you hail one of the beer maidens to fetch you a drink and something to eat. While you wait for your order you open the book and examine the wanted poster. Lost in your work, you don’t notice an old woman sit down beside you.

“I don’t suppose you’re a witch hunter, are you friend?”

You glance to your right at the woman, she has on a dark cloak that covers most of her face.

“No, I don’t suppose I am. I’m seeking the help of the woman in this poster for a… quest.” You say, kicking yourself for being so honest.

“Well… I hear she is very powerful. If you come with me, I can take you to her.”

Forgetting the meal you have on its way, you leave the tavern with the woman. She leads you this way and that through the streets, until you can’t remember which way you came from. She stops abruptly at a small door, before passing through it. You follow her inside and the door slams behind you, leaving you alone with the old woman in the candlelight.

“I apologise to the mystery, you see I have to conceal my identity in public. That wanted poster is up all over town and has a surprisingly uncanny likeness to myself, I’m almost impressed with the artist’s handywork.” As she says this, she removes her cloak and reveals herself to indeed be the woman from the poster.

“Now for the information you seek, for you see child I saw you coming in my mind’s eye and understand the quest you are on to be that of continuing one Philip de Thaun’s work, am I mistaken?” “No ma’am, you are not.”

With a smile on her face, she gestures for you to have a seat.

“Now luckily for you darling, I am somewhat of an expert on the matter of fantastical creatures. It just so happens that I’m experimenting with a new form of grimoire to catalogue these things. I call it a brochure, care to take a look?”

You nod your head, a little confused. She hands you what looks like a piece of paper that’s been folded three times.

Unicorn Scroll

“Ma’am, this is fantastic! Do you mind if I keep it?”

Thinking for a moment, she says, “I’m sorry darling, but that’s the only one I have . Maybe if I can find a way to make lots of copies of it you could have one but I… I just don’t want to part with my work.”

Desperate to continue your quest, you…

  • Push the old lady over, stealing the brochure and running away as fast as you can with the new information.
  • Offer to do a trade with the woman, citing your skills as an artist.
The Filigreed Book

You decide to take the book that has the depiction of the creature you seek, after all, surely that holds the most useful information. You stuff the book inside your coat and wait for brother David to return, as though nothing had happened. The monk remains with you awhile and offers for you to stay the night, an invitation you readily accept as the weather outside has turned foul.


After you’ve washed for the evening, you make your way into bed. You keep a lit candle by your bedside to assist your reading. When you open the book, you...

  • Notice a woman’s address written inside the cover, with the words ‘Witch, Expert’ next to it.
  • Notice that there is a chapter specifically on unicorns.
  • Feel guilty about stealing the generous monk’s possessions and decide to return the book in the morning.
The Diary

You grab the monk’s diary and stuff it into your coat before he returns. After supping with brother David you thank him for being such a gracious host and tell him you must take your leave of him and return home. Following a trail behind the monastery, you make your way to a small wooded area where you won’t be disturbed. There, you sit and open the diary in your lap. Pilfering through the pages you are initially confused… then terrified. It wasn’t a diary at all, it was a manual for conducting satanic rituals. Each page was full of Latin verse designed to summon numerous demons, incubi and succubi. You can’t stop flipping back and forth through the pages, until you come across one that has a method for human sacrifice. On seeing that, you snap the book shut and decide to bury it. Right before you stand up however you hear a hissing voice coming from behind you…

“It was a shame you had to leave so soon. I see you read my book. At least now you know what happens next.”

End of Journey.

The Privy

The boy shows you to a garderobe in the castle. You thank him and wait for him to leave before settling in for… well you know what. As you take your set above the hole in the wooden plank you hear a creak. Then you hear a crack. The next thing you know the entire apparatus has fallen into the moat below, taking you, your *waste* and part of the castle wall with it.

End of Journey.

The Laboratory

The servant boy takes you to the royal laboratory, high in the castle. Once alone there, you begin to rifle through old books and scrolls. In a stack of papers on the desk, you find one that has been folded three times…

Unicorn Scroll

That was helpful! You continue to go through the royal alchemist’s things, being careful not to knock over any of his glass distilling apparatus. On the highest shelf in the corner of the room you find a book of potions. Aided by the old library ladder, you pluck the book gently from its dusty perch. You open the weighty tome and flick through its translucent pages. You see a few potion options that may be of use to you, which do you decide to create?

  • A speed potion
  • A sleeping potion
  • A charisma potion
The King

The boy takes you to the King’s counsel room, where he and many other members of the court are conversing about taxes, land and the Norman invasion of times gone by. You walk timidly into the room and as people notice your presence they grow quiet.

“And who might you be there, child?”

Slightly afraid, you reply, “A friend, your majesty.”

You see the King notice the prop spellbook under your arm and walks over to examine it.

“Ah, you’re the alchemist from Normandy I sent for! I never would have guessed, I couldn’t hear it in your accent.”

Thinking quickly you reply, “Not exactly sire, I am said alchemist’s apprentice, he sent me in his stead. I was raised here in Britain so I don’t have the French accent.”

The King appears slightly displeased that the person standing in front of him is no more than an apprentice, he was hoping for an expert.

“Well I hope you don’t mind me asking, but may I see the contents of your book there? For verification purposes.”

Without thinking you hand the book to the King, who opens it and begins to flip through the pages. You see an enraged look growing across his face.

“It appears..” the King bellows, “...that the person standing before us is an imposter, most likely trying to pilfer me for money! The book I hold in my hands is entirely blank, except for the ornate cover. Guards, seize this con artist!”

End of Journey.

Push Her Over

You push the woman as hard as you can, hoping she’ll fall to the ground, allowing for you to make a swift getaway with the… brochure. Unfortunately, it appears she has enchanted feet that plant her firmly on the ground at all times. Infuriated at your rude behaviour she casts a hex on you, causing you to turn inside out.

End of Journey.

You Trade

“You know, I happen to be an artist. I could help you reproduce your work many times over, so you have copies to share with people. Perhaps I could offer my services in exchange for some help?”

After briefly considering, the witch responds, “Why that sounds fantastic to me! How about this: in exchange for your services, which I won’t engage you for until your quest is complete, I shall offer you one of three sacred objects to assist you on your journey.”

The witch lays out some options on her crafting table, which do you choose?

  • An enchanted spear
  • Magic spices
  • Charisma potion
Return the Book

You notice a woman’s name and address written inside the cover of the book. Next to her details are the words, ‘Witch, Expert’. How interesting. It must be for the woman that brother David spoke of. You remember the wanted poster in the book with the pentagram. In the dead of night you sneak downstairs to retrieve the poster from the other book. Folding it carefully, you put it in your pocket for later and return upstairs to your bed chamber. You will set out for the nearby town in the morning.

End of Journey.

Read the Unicorn Chapter

You turn to the chapter on Unicorns. Truth be told there is little there you didn’t already know. The one useful piece of information that you gleaned from its pages was that Unicorns cannot be caught by traditional means, and that they have striking similarities in their nature to Jesus Christ. You fail to see how this is beneficial to you and in a huff of futility, decide to consult someone else for advice in the morning.

Woman's Address

You notice a woman’s name and address written inside the cover of the book. Next to her details are the words, ‘Witch, Expert’. How interesting. It must be for the woman that brother David spoke of. You remember the wanted poster in the book with the pentagram. In the dead of night you sneak downstairs to retrieve the poster from the other book. Folding it carefully, you put it in your pocket for later and return upstairs to your bed chamber. You will set out for the nearby town in the morning.

Chastise the King

The rage you feel inside boils over, you simply cannot stand the idea of this man killing innocent creatures, just to hang them as hunting trophies! It’s despicable.

“How dare you even attempt something so cruel, sir! These creatures should be preserved and documented, not butchered for status. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

The King’s gaze falls directly upon you, in his eyes you can see a rage and contempt that equals your own.

“How dare I!? How dare you, brother… brother… why I don’t even know your name, in fact I don’t recall ever seeing your face before! Not only are you an agitator, you are an imposter as well! Guards, seize this wretched soul and send them to the gallows!”

End of Journey

Offer a Hunting Technique

Thinking quickly, you call for the King’s attention. Recalling what you read in the folded paper, you offer up a hunting technique to the King.

“And you say this is for the Unicorn, of all creatures? Well child, if you knew anything at all you would be aware of the fact that the Unicorn cannot be caught by conventional means. I have had my best men on the hunt for one for the better part of two years and they have yielded me no results. Tell me, how do you propose one would capture the beast?”

Now is your chance to trick the King into helping you. His extensive resources would make your task a lot easier.

“If it’s alright with you, your majesty, I would prefer to tell you in private, as this information is proprietary highly secretive.”

The King ushers you into an antechamber behind the throne room to speak in private. You decide to…

  • Hold the hunting technique for ransom
  • Tell the King the real technique

The Enchanted Spear

If you had read the witch’s brochure properly you would have noticed that the Unicorn can’t be caught by normal means, and either way your quest is not to harm the animal, it is to document it and ensure its protection… odd choice there friend.

End of Journey

Magic Spices

You choose a sachet of frankincense-based magic spices. Thought the instructions on the back say nothing about Unicorns, it does mention that it can enhance the resurrection process of a creature known as the Phoenix. Unfortunately however, the choice you have made won’t assist you very much in catching the current creature you’re after.

Charisma Potion

The charisma potion you have selected from the table is designed to improve your ability to persuade and engage people. After reading the label less than carefully, you consume the whole bottle.

The witch claps her hands together excitedly, “Fantastic choice! The charisma potion is a personal favourite of mine. Now, if I remember correctly, we left the tavern before you were able to eat and drink! I feel so rude for dragging you away, please allow me to give you some supper.”

She ushers you into the next room, where a young girl is standing above a stove, stirring a pot of soup. You take a seat next to the old woman at her kitchen table and the girl brings you each a bowl of soup and a hunk of bread, before sitting down herself.

“Traveller, this is my daughter, Petunia. Petunia, this…”

You quickly interject, “A friend, I don’t have a name.” The pair of women look a little puzzled, but quickly move on. As you listen to the idle conversation, you can feel the charisma potion beginning to work. You remember the methodology written about in the brochure for capturing the Unicorn and decide to enlist the help of the witch’s maiden daughter. The charisma potion compels you to…

  • Pay Petunia a compliment
  • Make a move on Petunia
  • Ask Petunia for a favor

The Speed Potion

If you had read the brochure correctly, you would have realised that nothing is as fast as the unicorn… not even an artist hopped up of speed potion. This potion will not be useful to you. Try another.

End of Journey.

The Sleeping Potion

You create a sleeping potion, a very potent one at that. You pour the contents into a glass flask and stopper it with a cork. Tucking the flask into your jacket pocket you make your way as fast as you can out of the alchemist's laboratory and into the castle yard.
Unfortunately, however, you are incredibly clumsy. You trip over a bucket of apples and send them rolling across the dirt. As you hit the ground the flask flies from your pocket and smashes, freeing the potent sleeping potion. You see its effects begin immediately.
Within 30 seconds the entire castle has been put to sleep by the effects of the concoction, including yourself. As you failed to read the instructions carefully, you missed the fact that the sleeping potion’s effect lasts for 100 years.

Until then, old timer.

End of Journey.

The Charisma Potion

You concoct the charisma potion and stow it in your jacket pocket before making your way out of the alchemist’s laboratory. After reading that brochure you decide to seek the help of another, the woman who wrote it. You recall her address written on the last page and set out on your journey.

The woman’s house was a small, rickety set up, right in the heart of the town. You attempt to knock gingerly on the small front door but before you knuckles can meet the wood of the door panel, it swings open, revealing a small but sweet looking old woman. She ushers you into the next room, where a young girl is standing above a stove, stirring a pot of soup. You take a seat next to the old woman at her kitchen table and the girl brings you each a bowl of soup and a hunk of bread, before sitting down herself.

“Traveller, this is my daughter, Petunia. Petunia, this…”

You quickly interject, “A friend, I don’t have a name.” The pair of women look a little puzzled, but quickly move on. As you listen to the idle conversation, you can feel the charisma potion beginning to work. You remember the methodology written about in the brochure for capturing the Unicorn and decide to enlist the help of the witch’s maiden daughter. The charisma potion compels you to…

  • Pay Petunia a compliment
  • Make a move on Petunia
  • Ask Petunia for a favor

Hold the Technique for Ransom

“You think you can extort me, cretin!?” the King booms. The sound of his yelling can be heard by all in the room next door. The guards are called to apprehend you and you are tortured in the dungeon below the castle for treason. Who knew the King had such a short temper?

End of Journey.

The Real Technique

“Listen…” you begin. “The technique I have in mind has been developed from reading ancient manuscripts. It requires the assistance of a maiden, pure of heart. You see, the Unicorn itself is like a metaphor for Jesus Christ himself; the beast is attracted to maidens because they resemble the bosom of the Virgin Mother. I believe if we were to find a young woman to fit the bill, maybe dress her up in a blue cloak like the Mother, we may just catch the creature.”

The King strokes his beard in thought. “I can think of three who would fit this description. The first is my sublime daughter, Eleanor. She is fair and of a good sort. The second is her lady in waiting, Daphne. I’ve always known her to be honest and caring. There is also the servant girl, Mildred, I’ve never known her to steal anything from me at the very least.”

You decide to choose…

  • Eleanor
  • Daphne
  • Mildred

Pay her a compliment

You tell Petunia that her soup is delicious and that she’s a world-class cook. She appears very flattered. “Listen, you’ve been so kind, if there’s anything I can help you with, I’d be happy to.”

You explain your plan to Petunia, showing her mother’s carefully written brochure to her. She seems excited to be able to help you on your quest. As it was prescribed in the brochure, you make Petunia wear a blue cloak, to mimic the Virgin Mary. The two of you set out early in the morning and head to the highest peak near the village. It’s a calm, sunny day. You get Petunia to kneel down on the mountainside in her cloak, arms outstretched, while you go and hide behind a rock...

Before the two of you know it, a large horn can be seen in the distance… then a small horse’s body… you can’t believe the lure has worked! The sweet creature gingerly makes its way over to Petunia, who hugs the Unicorn gently and strokes its mane. While the creature is subdued, you move from behind the rock. Quickly, you sketch its likeness, to be properly illustrated later, and jot down any important notes from the experience. The first creature on your uncle’s list has been found! Congratulations.

Make a Move

Petunia doesn’t take kindly to your advances, no offense but you’re just not her type. The charisma potion must not have worked.

End of Journey.

Ask for a Favour

“Listen, you’ve been so kind, if there’s anything I can help you with, I’d be happy to.”

You explain your plan to Petunia, showing her mother’s carefully written brochure to her. She seems excited to be able to help you on your quest. As it was prescribed in the brochure, you make Petunia wear a blue cloak, to mimic the Virgin Mary. The two of you set out early in the morning and head to the highest peak near the village. It’s a calm, sunny day. You get Petunia to kneel down on the mountainside in her cloak, arms outstretched, while you go and hide behind a rock...

Before the two of you know it, a large horn can be seen in the distance… then a small horse’s body… you can’t believe the lure has worked! The sweet creature gingerly makes its way over to Petunia, who hugs the Unicorn gently and strokes its mane. While the creature is subdued, you move from behind the rock. Quickly, you sketch its likeness, to be properly illustrated later, and jot down any important notes from the experience. The first creature on your uncle’s list has been found!



The King’s daughter agrees to help you and her father with your mission. Eleanor dons a fine blue cloak and waits on a hillside. Lo! You see a horn in the distance, just peeking out from behind some trees. The magnificent creature slowly makes itself seen, it’s beautiful. Unfortunately, it takes one look at Eleanor and bolts - it looks as though the girl has had the opposite effect, startling the Unicorn away.

Dissatisfied with the outcome Eleanor flies into a rage, cursing the creature, the King and yourself. Maybe she wasn’t as sweet as the King made her out to be…

End of Journey.


The princess’ Lady in Waiting agrees to help you and the King with your mission. Daphne dons a fine blue cloak and waits on the hillside. It’s a beautiful sunny day and the wind sweeping across the countryside makes the grass shine in the light. Lo! You see a horn in the distance, just peeking out from behind some trees...

The magnificent creature slowly makes itself seen, it’s beautiful. The Unicorn makes its way over, gingerly at first, to the girl. Daphne opens her arms to greet the creature, taking it in close for a tender hug.

While this is happening you quickly take down some notes about the creature, noting its form and doing a quick sketch of the animal. Thankfully, you were able to speak to Daphne in private before commencing the operation and you and her agree to allow the creature to escape before the King’s men can butcher it. As for yourself, you run into the trees, remaining hidden from the King’s guards for several days until the coast is clear.


The King’s servant girl agrees to help you and him with your mission. Mildred dons a fine blue cloak, borrowed from the Princess, and waits on the hillside. It’s a beautiful sunny day and the wind sweeping across the countryside makes the grass shine in the light. Lo! You see a horn in the distance, just peeking out from behind some trees...

The magnificent creature slowly makes itself seen, it’s beautiful. The Unicorn makes its way over, gingerly at first, to the girl. Mildred opens her arms to greet the creature, taking it in close for a tender hug.

While this is happening you quickly take down some notes about the creature, noting its form and doing a quick sketch of the animal. Thankfully, you were able to speak to Mildred in private before commencing the operation and you and her agree to allow the creature to escape before the King’s men can butcher it. As for yourself, you run into the trees, remaining hidden from the King’s guards for several days until the coast is clear.

The quest for the Dragon begins

Re-reading Uncle Philip’s letter, one name on the list stands out to you in bold lettering: DRAGON.

You enter a tavern to purchase a tankard of beer. As you sip on your beer, you take your time mulling over what little you know about Dragons. You realise that you are not the only person in the tavern this early in the day, and notice three other people.

In the hope of finding out more about Dragons, you introduce yourself to:

  • The Knight
  • The Bard
  • The Merchant

The Knight

In a dark corner of the tavern sits a Knight with their dusty shield propped against the table. They seem to be concentrating on a tattered and dirty scroll in their hands.

Hearing your footsteps, they look up to see who's approaching them and seem eager for some company. Striking up conversation, you find that the Knight is on a quest to find a living example of his House Crest - an Elephant.

Taking a shine to you, the Knight offers you:

  • A look at their Shield emblem
  • Opportunity to read their scroll
  • Join them on their quest as their Squire

The Bard

Quietly strumming their lute at a deserted table is a charming looking Bard. Known for their poetic and musical prowess, Bards regale their audiences recounting epic adventures, stories and sensational news.

Thinking the Bard could have a song or poem about dragons that could help you in your search for one, you cautiously approach the seated Bard and cough discreetly to get their attention. Striking up a friendly conversation, you tell the Bard about your search for a Dragon and your Uncle Philip's mysterious letter.

The Bard, intrigued, tells you "Alas, I have no tales of Dragons to recount, though should you wish a life of adventure and travel, you can accompany my and learn the gift of my trade"

You can't help yourself and:

  • Laugh openly at the Bard's offer to apprentice to them
  • Excitedly accept their offer to apprentice to them

The Merchant

Milling about the entrance to the tavern is a richly clothed Merchant. Robed in furs and silk, the Merchant looks you up and down - your simple but well made clothes indicate there could be more value to you than first impressions.

As their rich and exotic clothes indicate, the Merchant travels far and wide finding wares to sell in different towns. You wonder if they have anything for trade that could help you find a dragon.

You size the Merchant up and offer to trade:

  • A spool of unspun wool
  • A lute
  • A tattered scroll

Shield Emblem

As you bend over to get a closer look at the Knight's shield emblem, showing an Elephant, you accidentally hit your head on the table. Your head wound is severe, and you fall into a coma, which you never wake from.

End of Journey.

Read Scroll

The Knight allows you to briefly read his scroll, before a loud party of ruffians enters the tavern and he snatches it back.

You managed to read the following before the Knight snatched the scroll back from you: "...Elephants are the preferred prey of Dragons...venomous breath... winged serpent.”

You think there could be more useful information about dragons on the scroll, so you:

  • Offer to buy the scroll
  • Steal the scroll
  • Offer to make a song based on the Knight's quest and the content of the scroll

Join Quest

Becoming the Knight's Squire sounds like it could provide you with the opportunity to travel to different lands, meet commoners and royalty alike. This could allow you to capture and document more of the beasts on Uncle Philip's list, but it could almost certainly leads to dangerous situations!

You take a moment to make sure you really do want to become a Squire:

  • Graciously decline the Knight's Offer
  • Accept the Knight's Offer with thank

Offer to Buy Scroll

You're desperate to see if there's more information about dragons on the scroll, so eagerly offer to buy it from the Knight for 20 gold coins.

The Knight is greatly offended that you think they would sell their family heirloom which contains their house emblem. In a rage, the Knight dumps the remainder of his beer on your head and storms out of the tavern.

Dejected and soaked with beer, you decide Uncle Philip's list of beasts is too much trouble.

End of Journey.

Steal Scroll

You begin to buy the Knight more and more beer and soon they are drunk! The Knight falls into a drunken stupor. While they are quietly snoring, your rummage through their belongings and grab the scroll!

You read the entire scroll passage: "Noble and wise beasts, Elephants are the preferred prey of Dragons. Armed with a venomous breath, these devilish winged serpents hold great power of destruction in their serpentine tails. The only beast the dragon flees from is the roar of the Panther, its sweet breath it cannot abide by."

Realising there isn't much more information on the scroll, and that the Knight is beginning to wake up you hastily leave the tavern and run into a Merchant on your way out.

Create a Song about the Knight and the Scroll

You notice the Knight getting more anxious about the scroll and your interest in it. Thinking quickly, you tell the Knight you are an apprentice to the Bard in the tavern, and think their quest and the wonderful scroll would make a captivating song, regaling all who hear it about the Knight's honour and nobility.

The Knight, warming to your praise agrees. The Knight lets you read the entire scroll passage:

"Noble and wise beasts, Elephants are the preferred prey of Dragons. Armed with a venomous breath, these devilish winged serpents hold great power of destruction in their serpentine tails. The only beast the dragon flees from is the roar of the Panther, its sweet breath it cannot abide by. "

You realise there isn't much more information on the scroll, and while you sing a song using the scroll's words, it is so terrible that the Knight becomes angry. They pick you up by the scruff of your neck and march you over to the tavern Bard, telling you "you have much to learn!".

Accept the Offer to Become a Squire

As the Knight's new Squire, you are eager to set off on the Knight's quest to find a living Elephant!

As you begin your long journey, the Knight explains to you that Elephants are strong and noble beasts, however, a major predator of the Elephant is the Dragon.

Over many nights on your journey, the Knight tells you that Dragons prey on Elephants by laying in wait at paths elephants frequently travel and kills its prey with its strong, coiling tail. The Knight ponders aloud - they've heard many stories about Dragon's spitting venom from their mouths, but are unsure if this venom is fatal or harmless.

Finally you reach lands where Elephants are said to roam freely!

Setup Camp

Weary from your travels, you decide to camp and recover your strength. While setting up camp, you hear rustling in the bushes and discover a lone Elephant!

Do you:

  • Attempt to capture the Elephant
  • Attempt to befriend the Elephant

Attempt to Capture the Elephant

While you have learnt much about Elephants, it hasn't prepared you for their might and strength! Outraged at your attempt to capture it, the Elephant tramples you.
You are terribly hurt and don't survive your injuries.

End of Journey.

Attempt to Befriend the Elephant

You slowly approach the elephant so as not to startle it. Sensing a great intelligence and wisdom in the elephant, you begin to talk to it and retell your travels so far.

Whether or not the elephant actually understands you, it seems to find you as no threat to it's own life. You cautiously follow it as it travels well-worn bush paths back to its herd. As you pass a rocky outcrop, the air suddenly starts to shimmer and a loud thud echoes near the elephant!

What seems to be a large winged serpent starts to coil its powerful snake-like body around the elephant! This must be a Dragon!
Thinking quickly, you ready your weapon and spring to action!

Do you:

  • Aim for the dragon's head
  • Aim for the dragon's tail

Dragon's Head

You try to subdue the dragon by aiming your weapon at its head! Alas! Though you powerfully strike the dragon's head, it's powerful tail coils around you, constricting you and crushing your body.

End of Journey.

Dragon's Tail

You try to subdue the dragon by striking its powerful tail with your weapon. Thankfully your aim is true and you hit the dragon's tail, causing it to release the struggling elephant.

A great battle begins as you dodge the dragon's tail as it whips around in fury. After what feels like hours, it seems the dragon is growing weaker and weaker. With one last blow to its tail, the dragon collapses in a tired heap, unable to move.

The Dragon

While the dragon is incapacitated, you take your time to sketch an illustration of the beast in your journal, making sure you show its powerful tail. You meticulously record all of the beast's terrible and wonderful attributes including:

  • Harmless venom it breathes
  • Strong, coiling tail that holds the majority of the beast's strength
  • Its ability to stir up air and make it shine
  • Its weakness to the Panther's sweet breath and fearsome roar
  • Its preferred prey are Elephants

You are exhausted after your endeavours, but proud that you have managed to find and document a fantastical beast from Uncle Philip's list to add to your growing Bestiary.

Laugh at the Bard's Offer

Your open disparagement of the Bard's generous offer deeply offends them.

Overwhelmed by their rage, the Bard smashes their lute over your head, vowing to ensure that you will never be welcomed in any tavern or songhall they visit in their travels. The Bard flees the tavern as you lay bleeding on the floor.

For disrupting the peace of the tavern, you are arrested and are detained in the public stocks. You are pummelled with rotten food every day, your wound becoming infected.

Your infection gets worse and worse, until you eventually fall unconscious and perish while still in the stocks.

End of Journey.

Excitedly Accept Bard's Offer

You cannot contain your excitement at the Bard's offer and enthusiastically thank them for taking you on as their apprentice.Thinking of all the songs you can learn to help you in your search for Uncle Philip's beasts, and the strange places you could visit, you throw yourself into your training.

As the days turn into weeks, turn into months, you realise you have only travelled to two towns and the Bard's repertoire of stories and songs don't include any beasts in Uncle Philip's letter.

Getting impatient to try and find the Dragon from Uncle Philip's letter, you decide to:

  • Strike it out on your own as a travelling Bard
  • Leave quietly in the night
Strike it out on your own

You tell the Bard that you wish to end your apprenticeship and make your own way in the world as a Bard. You get into an argument with the Bard, yelling at them that you have more talent and skill that they do.

Saddened and deeply hurt by your actions, the Bard releases you from your apprenticeship. You strike out for a new town and there you make your debut performance in the town square. Unfortunately you've overestimated your skills and talent and the crowd is merciless.

The crowd heckles you fiercely, and throws all matter of garbage at you. Completely demoralised, you give up on your plan to travel as a Bard and discover Uncle Philip's beasts. You spend the remainder of your years as the town's drunken lout.

End of Journey.

Leave quietly in the night

You are unsure of how the Bard will react to you asking to end your apprenticeship early, so you decide to sneak away in the middle of the night while they are fast asleep.

Bitter at how your apprenticeship was little more than indebted servitude, you decide to steal the Bard's lute and all their coins, to cover all the work you have done for them.

Under cover of darkness you make your way to the next town with your lute and loot. Reaching the town in the morning, you decide to find a tavern to have a drink and sell your stolen wares.

Offer to trade a spool of wool

You offer the merchant a small spool of rough, unspun wool. The Merchant frowns at the paltry trade offer. They certainly misjudged you and refuse to waste any more of their time on you when you clearly have nothing of value to offer.

Dejected at your lack of basic skills at trading, you re-think if you're cut out to search for fantastical beasts from Uncle Philip's list.
You decide to return home and live a quiet life with your family.

End of Journey.

Offer to trade your Lute

As you tell the Merchant of your search for a dragon to complete Uncle Philip's bestiary, you spot the Merchant eyeing your lute.

Seeing the Merchant's interest in your lute, and realising it would be too bulky to carry on your adventures, you offer up your lute, inlaid with mother-of-pearl for trade. The Merchant, always looking for a bargain, offers you two trade options.

You agree to trade your lute for:

  • An iron Broadsword
  • More information about dragons
Trade for Broadsword

You decide to trade your lute for a strong looking iron broadsword. The Merchant greedily chuckles, snatches the lute and gives you the broadsword. You pick the broadsword up thinking it would be perfect to help you capture a dragon. Taking a closer look at the blade, you decide to give it a quick polish with the hem of your tunic.

Giving the blade a brisk polish, you feel a sudden pain in your hand. You look down to see your hand bleeding heavily. The strong looking iron broadsword, is really an old sword, riddled with rust and covered in paint to look new. In your bleeding hand is a chunk of corroded blade that has fallen away.

You spend all your coins on a poultice to heal your cut, unfortunately infection still sets in and you perish in a fevered state.

End of Journey.

Trade for Information on Dragons

The Merchant seems somewhat disappointed at your choice, but nevertheless honours the trade and begins to tell you all the information about Dragons they have collected on their trade journeys.

The Merchant tells you that "Dragons are large, fierce and strong winged serpents that prefer to hunt elephants in Africa and India, stalking them on the bush tracks the elephants follow. Despite its venomous breath, a dragon's power lies within its snake-like tail, with unimaginable power to crush whomever it wishes. It also has the power to stir the air and make it shine. The only known beast the dragon is afeared of is the vainglorious Panther. The swiftest of all beasts, the Panther can only be caught with trickery when captivated by its own reflection. The dragon cowers before the Panther's roar and hides from its sweet breath."

With that, the Merchant begins to pack up their wares, and makes plans to travel further along their trade route.


  • See a travelling hunting party pass by and ask to join them
  • Pay for safe passage with the Merchant to India or Africa
Offer to trade a tattered scroll

You reluctantly pull a tattered scroll from your satchel and offer it to the Merchant to look at. Though you haven't looked at in a while, you recall the scroll featuring beautiful illuminated images and lettering, indicating the care and expense taken to create it.

You agree to trade the tattered scroll for:

  • A Lance
  • A hand mirror
Trade for a Lance

The Merchant tosses you a heavy lance, forcing you to stumble back under its weight.

As you stumble back from the sudden weight of the lance, you trip over your own feet and fall into the nearby well. As you plummet many metres into the dark, damp well, you wonder about all the wonderful beasts from Uncle Philip's letter and if you'll ever get the chance to see them.

End of Journey.

Trade for a Hand Mirror

The Merchant gives you the old hand mirror in exchange for the tattered scroll. The Merchant seems smug with this trade, understanding the scroll comes from a noble family. As you step away and begin to examine the mirror, you notice its handle is heavier than usual. Finding a latch on the side, you press it, and a small scrap of folded parchment falls out of a hidden compartment.

The parchment reads "No hunter on swiftest steed can catch the Panther, so quick it is. Fastest of all creatures on earth, the only means to capture the vain beast is to trick it with its own reflection and captive it will be." Curious though it is, you decide it's time to continue your search for a dragon.

As you travel along the road you come to a junction - one path leads East, where a hunting party is preparing their gear. The other path leads West.

You decide to:

  • Ask the hunting party to accompany them on their hunt Eastwards.
  • Travel alone towards the West.
Continue on your journey alone

You chose the path leading West and continue on your own. You run out of rations a few days into your travel, and there are no signs of civilisation in the distance. The landscape is hostile and seems deserted of life or edible plants.

You slowly waste away, losing strength and perish in the wilderness.

End of Journey.

Travel with the Hunting Party

You walk up to the hunting party and introduce yourself and your quest to find a dragon. They are a rowdy group, but welcome you to their party with open arms.

They mention that while they're excited to help hunt a dragon, they are actually in the midst of hunting a Panther that has been plaguing their village. The hunters have been chasing the Panther for days, but it's simply too fast for them to catch! You hatch a plan for the hunters to trap the Panther using a bit of trickery.

To catch the Panther you:

  • Use a spear
  • Use a coil of rope
  • Use a hand mirror
Use Spear

As the hunting party make camp, you notice that the Panther has circled back. You think it might try to attack the hunters while they are resting.

Thinking there is no time to lose, you decide to use the spear laying beside you. As the Panther enters the camp, you jump up with a loud battle cry and throw the spear at the Panther!

Unfortunately, your aim was off and the spear whizzes past some shrubs, missing the Panther entirely. Before you can blink, the Panther launches itself at you and strikes you down! The hunters were right - the Panther truly is the fastest beast.

End of Journey.

Use Rope

As the hunting party make camp, you notice that the Panther has circled back. You think it might try to attack the hunters while they are resting.

Thinking there is no time to lose, you decide to trap the Panther by using the coil of rope in your satchel. As the Panther enters the camp, you jump up with a loud battle cry and launch yourself at the Panther's back! A fierce battle begins as you try to bind the Panther with the rope. Unfortunately all the stories the Hunter told you are true - the Panther is so incredibly fast you can't seem to get any grip on it as it squirms and moves in your grasp. Before you know it, the Panther has thrown you to the ground and all you can see is the Panther's cloud of breath and dark eyes as it pounces on you.

End of Journey.

Use Mirror

As the hunting party make camp, you notice that the Panther has circled back. You think it might try to attack the hunters while they are resting.

Thinking there is no time to lose, you decide to use the small hand-mirror in your pocket and attempt to trick the Panther by entrancing it with its own reflection.

As the Panther stalks near your sleeping bag, you spring into action and jump in front of the Panther, angling the hand-mirror into its line of sight. The Panther's normally alert gaze transforms into a dreamy look as it seems to be transfixed by its own reflection in the mirror! While it is captivated by its own reflection, you take the opportunity to bind it so it can't escape. Waking the hunting party you all celebrate at the capture of the Panther!

As you and the hunting party celebrate with beer by the fire, you discuss what you should do with the Panther now that it has finally been caught and how the hunters can help you find a dragon.

You decide to:

  • Sell the Panther and use the gold to fund your expedition to find a dragon
  • Use the Panther to trap a Dragon
Sell Panther

As the Panther gazes at its reflection in the mirror, you and the hunting party take it to the Merchant in town.

The Merchant's eyes widen as they realise the rare creature before it. The Merchant offers a huge amount of gold for the Panther, you accept, but before the gold can exchange hands, an argument erupts between you and the hunting party over what share of the gold everyone will get.

As the argument gets louder, you and the hunter's begin to push each other around. A hunter pushes you and you fall onto the Panther, accidentally smashing the hand mirror. The Panther, no longer distracted by its own reflection, snarls loudly and attacks you and the hunters as the Merchant escapes to safety.

End of Journey.

Use the Panther to trap the Dragon

Deciding to use the Panther as bait to capture a dragon, you and the hunters set off to the arid lands in search of a Dragon. Travelling for several days and nights, you and the hunters are exhausted by the heat and decide to set up a camp at the base of a hill dotted with small caves.

In the middle of the night you wake up - something doesn't feel right - and you decide to wander the camp. As you walk through the camp ground, the Panther begins to stir and wakes. The air seems to shimmer and shine and before you know it a fearsome serpent with wings appears!

This must be a Dragon! You stand frozen in fear as the Dragon seems to coil up ready to strike at you. As the Dragon sets to attack you, a fearsome roar stuns you both - the Panther has noticed the Dragon and as one of its enemies has let out a vicious snarl and a sweet-smelling breath comes from its mouth.

The Panther manages to break loose from its binding and escapes into the distance as the Dragon seems frozen by its roar and breath. Taking a deep breath, you cautiously approach the frozen Dragon for a closer look...

The Quest Begins

You decide to pursue the Phoenix. You’ve heard of the creature before, but you’ve never seen one in the flesh. A note your Uncle has scribbled at the bottom of the page outlines the address of a local spice merchant. A long arrow stemming from the note indicates that the address and the Phoenix are connected.

You make your way into town and find the man. He is small, and his accent is unlike any you have ever heard before. His stall has the scent of every spice one’s nose could imagine; paprika, frankincense, peppercorns of every variety… the list was extensive. You briefly discuss the mission your uncle has sent you on, the man nods in thought.

“Ah yes, I knew your Great Uncle Philip well. I understand the work he has sent you to complete is incredibly important too. I tell you what, I will be travelling back through India and Egypt to collect more wares for my shop tomorrow. I know both of these places are of great importance to the story of the Phoenix. I would be honored if you were to join me.”

What an opportunity! You decide to follow the man to:

  • India
  • Egypt
Travel to Egypt

You go with the man to Egypt. It takes you several months to make your way there and when you arrive at your destination you are informed that it was once the site of ancient Heliopolis. You make camp just outside town with your now close friend, whom you’ve come to know as Anasti.

As the day fades and the sun sets, you see some camels making their way towards you. On their backs are bags and satchels, and they are being led by a small group of men. Though the idea of an unfamiliar group such as this approaching you, Anasti doesn’t appear concerned by their presence.

“More merchants, much like myself. You can tell by their bags. Don’t fear my friend.”

It turns out that the men were in fact merchants, and lovely people at that. They join your camp and the group of you share stories and break bread together. You grow to trust the men and decide to share the details of your quest with them. One of them offers to tell you a story about the very creature you seek, another offers to show you a place in a more remote part of town where he believes some Phoenix feathers may be for sale. The final one offers to show you around town the next day. You decide to…

  • Hear a the story
  • Be shown to the feathers
  • Be shown around town
Travel to India

You travel with your new friend by boat to the exotic lands of India. As you sail towards the port city, disaster strikes. Your ship runs aground on some submerged rocks before you are able to make it to the shore line. After waiting for what feels like hours, some local fishermen spot you and send a dingy out to help you. Once rescued and safely ashore, the men offer you some food and a place to stay. The group of you exchange tales from the high seas, and as the night draws on you begin to trust these men. You decide to share the details of your quest.

Intrigued and eager to help you, the men scramble to offer advice from their homeland. You choose to listen to the man talking about…

  • Resurrection
  • Death
  • Karma
Listen to a man speak about Resurrection

“You see child, the bird which you seek has the ability to be reborn. Every 500 years it flies to the ancient city of Heliopolis to die and be resurrected out of the flames. In your country where the Christian faith prevails there is a belief that the Phoenix is a metaphor for Jesus Christ, who arose after three days and nights. In my religion of Hinduism, we believe that the soul is eternal, and that it can inhabit multiple bodies over the course of eternity. It only makes sense that the Phoenix would be resurrected.”
Listen to a man speak about Death

“At the end of its lifecycle, the Phoenix incinerates itself on a funeral pyre, not unlike what we use here in India. From the ashes the new form begins to grow: first a worm, then a small bird, and finally the Phoenix in all its glory, just as it was before its death. Typically, this all occurred on an altar prepared by a priest in Heliopolis. Before it makes its journey from India to Egypt, the great bird will fly through the frankincense tree, filling its wings with precious spices.”
Listen to a man speak about Karma

“In the Hindu religion, we believe in a cycle of cause and effect - that each man or woman’s actions will lead to an outcome that reflects those actions. This then has an effect on the body we inhabit in the next life. In our religion the Phoenix is known as the god Garuda, who represents birth and heaven. Because of his ties to Vishnu, Garuda also represents justice and fighting against evil. Perhaps these righteous causes are the reason the Phoenix continues to resurrect as himself in his holy form.”

After your stay with the fishermen, you continue on your journey with your now good friend, who you have come to know as Anasti. His need to procure spices brings you back across the ocean, to Egypt and the city of Cairo. When you arrive, the pair of you settle at an inn for the evening. There are many interesting and friendly people there, not least of whom is a merchant named Thomas. Upon hearing that you are new to the area, the man offers to show you around the city so you can get your bearings. You gratefully accept before heading upstairs for the rest of the evening.
The Feathers

You go with the man who offers to show you where the feathers may be. You both make your way through the winding streets of what is now known as Cairo, moving farther and farther away from your friends. You stomach begins to turn as you follow the man down a narrow alleyway.

You should have gone with you gut. The man turns of you with a knife, robbing you and taking with him all of your money and most importantly the note from Uncle Philip.

“I’m gonna go and find that bloody bird myself, it’s going to make me rich!” The man growls, before taking off into the city, never to be seen again.

You are left to bleed out in the street, not to be found until the next day.
Listen to Story

You sit and look on intently as the man begins his tale.

“There is a magnificent bird, with luminous red feathers that resides in the depths of India. It lives for as long as five hundred years, that is until it commences a tremendous ritual of death and rebirth. When is completes its life cycle, the bird flies through the contorted branches of the frankincense tree, filling its wings with the world’s most sort after and sacred spices. Then, as Spring commences in the city of Heliopolis, a priest covers an altar with twigs and kindling. The Phoenix flies to the city and upon seeing the altar, lights a fire there only to be consumed by it.”

“Seems like an odd thing to do, no?” comments one of the merchants.

“Well it does, until you hear the rest of the story, you twit. Now shut up and listen. Where was I? Oh yes, now the day after the bird has sacrificed its own life to the flame, a small, sweet-smelling worm can be found in its ashes. On the second day, this worm becomes a small bird. On the third, well… the bird takes the form of the Phoenix again. Once this incredible process has taken place, the bird returns to its place of origin, in India. That, my friends, is the tale of the Phoenix.”

You all sit around for a while longer. The merchant who offered to take you for a tour around town informs you that he still intends to go there tomorrow, if you’re interested. You decide to take him up on his offer.
Shown Around Town

You and your new merchant friend set out for the city of Cairo the next morning. Your friend is very knowledgeable about the history of the area, informing you that the city is built over the site of ancient Heliopolis. He takes you past libraries and bazaars, holy buildings and less than holy ‘massage parlors’. You finally take leave of your friend outside the market stand of an old man, who is selling scrolls and prints of varying descriptions. You approach him and ask if you can go through his wares, a question he answers with a nod and a grunt. There’s parchments about Dragons and Basilisks, even a page or two about Unicorns. You finally find one about the Phoenix.

Phoenix Scroll
Well that was helpful. You continue to rifle through the man’s goods until you happen upon a…

  • Map of Heliopolis
  • Bird watching manual
The Bird Watching Manual
You take the bird watching manual, I mean you are on the lookout for a big bird, right? Unfortunately, there is no section that covers the Phoenix, or anything close to it. This part on the ostrich looks interesting though…
Map of Heliopolis

There’s something familiar about this map, like you’ve walked through its streets before. Come to think of it, you have! This must be the area that the merchant took you through just this morning. How convenient. You study the landmarks in the map, keeping the story of the Phoenix in mind.

Phoenix Scroll

Which hieroglyph marks the place you need to go?

  • Sun
  • Alcohol
  • Palace

The symbol you chose leads you to the site of what was actually an ancient ale house. You choose another from the map.
The Phoenix

You follow the rudimentary directions laid out in the map, which resemble the streets of modern times. They lead you to a small opening in the streets, where a large flat stone lays. Your heart skips a beat as you realise this must be the site of the altar where the Phoenix sets itself alight before being reborn.

All of a sudden your nose is overwhelmed with the sweet smell of frankincense and about a hundred other spices. Could it be?

You shield your eyes from the sun and gaze skyward. A tremendous bird is circling above, you realise you can hear it screeching in confusion. The timing of this is perfect, the bird must be at the very end of its lifecycle! You hatch a plan and move to act on it straight away. Gathering as much kindling as you can from nearby houses and shopfronts, you place it all on the flat altar. Then you step back. The screeching has stopped and you can see the bird slowly descend on its new pyre. It’s breathtaking; all of its feathers are a rich red or purple colour, and although it isn’t as large as you were expecting, it still has an imposing presence. The creature looks at you gratefully, catching your eye before it sets the kindling below it ablaze. Over the next few days you document and sketch the resurrection process of the great bird before returning home to pursue the rest of the creatures on your uncle’s list.


What an incredible place! This must have been the site of an ancient palace. Not what you were looking for, unfortunately.
The quest for the Hydrus begins
You decide to pursue the Hydrus, one of the more obscure creatures on your uncle’s list. Next to the creature’s name is a drawing of what appears to be a crocodile, you’re unsure though because you’ve never seen one in the flesh. Luckily your friend, a healer in the town, knows a great deal about fantastical creatures. You decide to travel to her house.

At her house your friend Calypso analyses the crude drawing, “Hmm yes. That is a crocodile if ever I have seen one, although I must admit they are more fierce in the flesh.”

“Do you know where I can find one of these creatures? Are they in they rivers? Oceans?”

“Crocodiles prefer fresh water, that is true, but you will not find them around here my friend. To see these ancient beasts you will need to travel to the waters of the Nile in Egypt.”

On hearing this information you decide to…

  • Travel to Egypt
  • Develop an alternative plan
Travel to Egypt
You thank Calypso for her wisdom and continue on your way. In the port you find a ship that will take you all the way to Egypt. Once you arrive and are offloaded into the city of Cairo, you are inundated with new smells and sights. There are people bustling all around. After scanning the area you notice in the distance a large italicised ‘i’, “Ah ha! A tourist information centre!”

You hastily make your way there. Once inside a man at the front desk greets you warmly.

“Hello there traveller, how may I help you today? I should let you know that I have special offers available on three tours around the city at the moment - they’re 50% off!”

“That sounds great actually, mind telling me about them?”

“The first is a boat ride down the Nile, with lunch included by the riverside. The second, a tour of our ancient landmarks, such as the site of Heliopolis. The third, and this is my favourite, is a walking tour through the markets of Cairo, it shows off the city’s broad range of foods, spices, fabrics and precious wares.”

You decide to pay for a tour of…

  • The Nile
  • The ancient landmarks
  • The markets
Hatch an alternative plan
Egypt? You don’t have time to go to Egypt! There’s plenty of fresh water here in England, you’re sure you can find one of these beasts a little closer to home. You thank Calypso for her wisdom and continue on your way. You make your way down to the riverside nearby, it’s quiet. No birds chirping, no small animals rustling around. Something’s wrong, you can feel it. Maybe you got lucky and one of those crocodiles does infact inhabit the waters here. Then your stomach drops, because you hear a soul-shattering howl. It’s a pack of wild dogs and they look like they haven’t eaten in ages. Luckily for them, you look like a tasty snack. Unluckily for you, it’s dinner time.

End of Journey
The Nile
“Really? I mean it’s just a big long river, nothing special. Okay then, here’s your ticket. Don’t forget to inscribe a review on the tablet out the front.”

You arrive at the pick up location down by the river. A large wooden boat with a thatched awning makes its way to you and the other tour passengers. You’re all loaded on board and the tour begins.

“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Nile River Tour, my name is Chione and I’ll be your guide for today. Lunch will be served just after noon and we ask that you please do not put any arms or legs over the sides of the boat, as they may be abruptly torn from your body by crocodiles.”

Of course, crocodiles! The clue that Uncle Philip gave me. The Hydrus must be nearby. You learn a lot during the first half of your tour, but nothing particularly helpful with your quest. The boat pulls up to the riverside for lunch and you hitch to a jetty near a small tree-shaded area. Now’s your opportunity, you seek out your tour guide and ask her about the mythical beast you seek.

“The Hydrus huh? Wow you don’t get too many people asking about that one. Listen not a lot is known about it but I can tell you all the information I have.”

“That would be fantastic if you could. I hear they may be affiliated with the crocodiles of the Nile?”

The tour guide nods her head, “Yeah you could say that, or you could say they’re ancient enemies. Hydruses are known to prey on crocodiles, they’ll coat themselves with slippery mud on the banks of the river before sliding into the crocodile’s open mouth. Once inside the belly...well…” the tour guide trails off.

“Come on you can tell me, I’m not squeamish.”

“Once inside the belly the Hydrus just sorta… eats its way out of the crocodile, consuming the animal from the inside out, killing it.”

“But why?”

“My understanding is that the crocodile signifies Hell, and the Hydrus represents your Christian Jesus. The whole process is analogous for Jesus travelling through Hell to free trapped souls.”

This information has been incredibly helpful, you’re able to come up with a few plans to catch the Hydrus. You decide to choose…

  • Wait by the river, near a bask of crocodiles.
  • Ask the tour guide if you can use her boat.
  • ‘Borrow’ the boat without asking
The Ancient Landmarks
“Ah, interested in history are we? You won’t be disappointed! Here’s your ticket, enjoy your time here in Cairo friend.”

You complete the tour and it was interesting, although it didn’t really reveal anything helpful to you. Heliopolis was fantastic though, you heard the tour guide mention something about the great Phoenix migrating there too…

End of Journey
The Markets
“Oh I’m so glad my friend, you will not be disappointed! The tour group should be leaving in just a moment from outside the centre. Here is your ticket, keep it safe!”

You wait in line, talking to your fellow group members. There’s a man from a town not far away from where you grew up, and a young couple who’s visiting all the way from Russia. The tour guide greets you and you start on your way. The streets are packed to the brim with people, and all incredibly narrow. The twists and turns make it hard to keep up with your group. Before you know it you are lost completely in the middle of Cairo.

End of Journey.
Wait by the river
You thank the tour guide for her help and head out on your own down the banks of the river. The sun is beating down quite heavily, making you kind of delirious. Because of this, you decide to locate a bask of crocodiles in the hope that maybe a wild Hydrus would also be lurking nearby. It doesn’t take long before you a group of the beasts on the bank. You wait for a while behind a tuft of reeds, but eventually the sun becomes too much to bear. You decide to go for a quick dip in the water. Big mistake. You barely make it waist deep before you feel a tremendous pain shoot up your leg. Then you see the blood. You’ve been caught by a crocodile hiding in the murky water. So long friend, it’s been nice knowing you.

End of Journey.
Ask to borrow the boat
“Listen, thank you so much for your help.” You continue to explain the quest you’ve been sent on by your great uncle.

“I see, well that does sound fascinating.” the tour guide says ponderously.

“I don’t suppose you could loan me your boat for an hour to catch one of these creatures? I need to locate some live crocodiles to use as bait but it would be a whole lot safer for me if I were to do so from the boat.”

“Oh no, absolutely not. You’re insane for even asking.

You press your guide further but it’s not use, she’s adamant that you will not be using her boat. She’s keeping a close eye on you too now, so it’s not like you can even abscond with the vessel. Sometimes it’s just better to say sorry rather than please.
Steal the boat
You thank the tour guide and tell her you actually have to go and move your bowels. She rolls her eyes and points towards the water.

“Just keep an eye out for crocs!”

Once you’re a good distance away from her you run over to the boat. You untether it from the jetty and the current immediately begins to carry you away. You can hear the tour guide cursing you from the bank of the river. “Thief! Thief!” you hear her scream. But you’re not a thief! You fully intend to return the boat to her at a later time.

The boat whisks you down the river and it isn’t long before you encounter a large group of crocodiles basking in the sun. You throw the anchor overboard, nearly throwing your back out as you do so. The boat comes to an abrupt halt and all is quiet except for the rushing of the river beneath you. Your eyes dart around the area where the crocodiles are. Finally you think you’ve spotted something peculiar. There’s a pair of wings peaking out above a cluster of reeds. Funny though, they don’t look like those of a bird, more like a gigantic bee’s? Surely this is the creature. The wings dip down below the plant life, then you see a small dog-like foot step out from behind the scrub. Then a nose, the creature looks like a slender fox, or a mongoose. You watch it lather itself in mud, rolling around, ensuring every whisker has a thick coating of the slippery stuff. It then skulks its way over to the crocodiles, selecting its prey carefully. It slides into the mouth of a sleeping croc, who doesn’t even stir during the process. Then it’s gone.

There’s no movement for a couple minutes and you think the event is over. Then, all of a sudden, you hear a tremendous hiss come from the ancient reptile. It wakes up and begins to writhe in pain. Its belly swells and before you know it, the fox-like creature has popped its head out of the crocodile’s abdomen. You mind is blown, the tour guide was right! You sketch the creature quickly, trying carefully to get its features down as accurately as possible. When you return home you write about the amazing experience at length. As for the tour guide’s boat well… I’m sure she’ll find it one day.

The quest for the Basilisk begins
It's been many days since you received Uncle Philip's letter, and you have read it many times. Each time you re-read the letter, you find your quill circling around one entry on Uncle Philip's list of creatures to document: the Basilisk. A brief note in Uncle Philip’s handwriting is what piques your interest: “Though title bestowed of ‘Little King’, great misfortunes and demise do run afoul thanks to this serpent fowl.”

You decide to mull over this note a bit more as you roam family’s great estate and:

  • Wander the forest
  • Visit the chicken coop
  • Visit the underground grotto
Wander the Forest
As you enter the nearby forest, you wander around the great oak trees, enjoying the sunlight streaming through the branches. As you walk further into the forest, you can hear a bubbling brook. As you get closer to the stream you hear a raspy squeak coming from the base of a nearby tree.

You head over to the tree and look down to see a baby weasel (kit) shivering amongst the leaves. While you know that weasels are clever creatures and chase mice and snakes, they aren’t very popular….

You decide to:

  • Abandon the baby weasel
  • Raise and train the weasel as a pet
Visit Chicken Coop
Thinking of Uncle Philip’s cryptic note talking about the basilisk being a “serpent fowl”, you decide that the chicken coop could be the best place to go to and check out the fowl nearest to you.

Entering the coop, you are comforted by the soft clucking of the chickens, and notice the many eggs left for the maids to collect for the kitchen. You think to yourself you may as well collect the eggs while you’re here, and manage to fill a basket with them.

You decide to take the eggs to:

  • The Market to sell them
  • The maids in the Kitchen
Visit the Undergdound Grotto
You haven’t visited the underground grotto in a while - it always gave you the creeps with all the statues of scary and unfamiliar creatures in the flickering torchlight. Perhaps there might be clues hidden here to help you find a Basilisk...after all, Uncle Philip is rumoured to have designed the grotto himself.

Before you start exploring the dark, dank grotto, you remember its entry is located at the centre of the great hedge maze. You can’t quite remember if the correct path to the grotto is from the North-West entry or the South-East entry.

Underground Grotto

Thinking you have at least a 50-50 chance, you choose the:

  • South-East entry
  • North-West entry
Abandon the Weasel
As you walk along the bank of the stream, you just can’t shake the feeling of guilt for leaving the little weasel alone under the tree. While weasels might be considered dirty animals, they are clever and actually rather cute… you wonder if you made the proper Christian decision leaving it to fend for itself.

Lost in your train of thought, you step on a wet, mossy rock by the bank of the stream. You slip and fall into the shallow stream, hitting your head, knocking yourself unconscious. Unfortunately, your unconscious body lands in the stream and while the stream is shallow, you nevertheless drown.

End of Journey.
Raise the Weasel as a pet
You slowly approach the shivering little weasel and crouch down to offer it a piece of cheese from your pocket. The weasel nibbles the cheese and affectionately rubs its head against your hand in thanks. You pick it up and carry it home, where you ask the gamekeeper for advice on how to raise the kit.

The gamekeeper tells you to feed the weasel its favourite foods, including eggs as a treat to help with training. They also mention an old story of how the weasel is the only creature that can kill a strange creature with the body of a rooster and the tail of a snake - a basilisk.

You spend several weeks bonding with the weasel and training it to do simple tricks! It truly is a clever little creature! As you begin to think about leaving home to explore new lands and search for a basilisk, a travelling circus comes to the local village. You decide to visit the circus, and the weasel follows you along.

The leader of the circus notices the weasel walking alongside you and asks you why a wild creature is so friendly to you. You explain it is your pet and that you have trained it to do many tricks. The circus leader is fascinated and thinks the weasel would be a great addition to their circus and asks if you would give it to them.

You don’t want to just give away the weasel you raised, so you decide to:

  • Sell the weasel to the travelling circus
  • Join the travelling circus
The Market
You head into the small village near your family estate and wander the market to find someone to sell your eggs to. As you wander through the market stalls, you come across a person dressed in colourful but tattered robes and long, twisted grey hair. The person turns to you and smiles crookedly, saying “Hello young adventurer, word around the market is you’re continuing your Uncle’s work to find a basilisk… As a sorcerer, I am quite familiar with this beast - ‘Little King’ it be known as in different languages, it is also known as the ‘King of Serpents’.... For more tales of the Basilisk, payment be six of your eggs”

Without thinking you hand over six of your eggs and the sorcerer continues: “Little King, King of Serpents, lover of dry places, the basilisk’s power be its deadly gaze, hiss and stench… Its bite will make ye afeared of water and only one creature can kill it - a clever little creature that chases mice and snakes…”. With that, the sorcerer turns to walks away and seems to vanish into the crowd.

Spooked by the mysterious sorcerer, you head home, completely forgetting to sell your basket of eggs.
Maids in the Kitchen
You enter the warm kitchen and set the basket of eggs down on a side table. You try to get the attention of one of the maids or cooks, but they’re all so busy bustling around with their chores and gossiping that they don’t notice you. As you’re about to leave, you overhear a maid tell the cook interesting things they’ve heard at the market: “Oi, did ya hear? Apparently there’s a mad sorcerer in the village market telling strange tales! Eddard heard tell the story of a vile beastie that prefers the dry, Arid Lands with deathly powers. It be called the “Little King.”.

You wonder if this could be the Basilisk, known as the “Little King” mentioned in Uncle Philip’s note...

With so many maids and cooks in the kitchen, it’s getting hot and you decide to leave and:

  • Take the eggs and sell them at the Market
  • Start your journey to the Arid Lands
South-East Entry
Alas, the odds weren’t in your favour! You spend several exhausting hours desperately wandering the maze with its two metre high hedges, hoping to either stumble across the entry to the grotto or any other exit.

You finally manage to find a way out of the maze, but are so exhausted from your efforts you need some comforting pottage (hearty stew) and a nap to recover.

Choose another area of the estate to explore.
North-West Entry
Phew! After a few dead ends, you eventually make it to the entry of the underground grotto and hear the steady drip of water coming from the dark space beyond. Fortunately you have a flint with you and grabbing an old torch from the wall nearby, light it so you can find your way about the grotto.

The cavern-like space has a row of small stone statues on marble stands along one side. As you approach them, they cast strange shadows in the firelight - strange creatures that don’t look like anything you’ve ever seen before. You notice that each of the statues has a word engraved into the base. The one nearest to you seems to be broken. Reading its engraving, it says “Basilisk” - how exciting! You hurriedly look it over and see if you can piece it back together to get some idea of what a Basilisk might look like.

As you start to piece the statue back together, you wonder what this Basilisk could be? The statue seems to be a combination of a Rooster, with the tail of a snake - how strange! You notice that there also seems to be a handful of yellow sand on the stand - this doesn’t seem to be native to your area.

You decide you need to leave home to find a Basilisk, and head in the direction of the:

  • River country
  • Arid lands
Sell the Weasel
You think if you can sell the weasel for enough gold, this could pay for your travelling costs to search for a basilisk. You agree to the circus leader’s offer of five gold coins for the talented little weasel and hand it over in exchange for the coins.

As the weasel sees you leave without it, it struggles against the circus leader’s grasp and races after you. You try to hand it back to the circus leader, but the weasel clutches at your hand, desperate to stay with you. As the circus leader takes the weasel from you, it deeply scratches your hand.

You head home, however, an infection sets in your open scratch and you become fevered the next day. In your delirious state, you wonder what has happened to the clever little weasel before slipping away from your infection.

End of Journey.
Join the Travelling Circus
You can’t bear the thought of selling your pet to the circus, so you offer to perform with the weasel for the circus, if they allow you to travel with them. Surprisingly the circus leader agrees and you set off for new towns. After travelling for several weeks, the circus sets up camp outside a village in the heart of the dry, hot, arid lands. You hear whispers from the other members of the circus, talking about strange deaths of the villagers who seem to have died with no signs of injuries or struggles.

You feel worried about this different land, and the weasel seems to be uneasy, acting in ways it hasn’t before…. That night as you go to bed, you worry that the weasel might run away while you’re asleep.

You decide to:

  • Put the weasel on a leash
  • Let the weasel travel unleashed
River Country
You feel confident about your journey as you travel to the River country - a delta of serpentine rivers and streams that make bountiful farmland. “Serpentine rivers...” you think to yourself - perhaps here is where you’ll find a Rooster with the tail of a snake…. But as the days go by, and weeks stretch into months, your search reveals nothing. Despite this, you can’t bring yourself to leave this beautiful region and continue your search for a Basilisk.

You decide to live the rest of your life in the River country, without responsibilities or any earthly worries - after all, you barely knew your Uncle Philip, and was never much interested in animals - fantastical or otherwise!

End of Journey.
Arid Lands
After travelling for many weeks, you find yourself on the edge of the arid lands - a hot, dry region that seems to get more sandy the further you travel. At least you think you’re on the right track - the sand here seems to be the same as the sand you found in the grotto. Could you be following in Uncle Philip’s footsteps to a basilisk?

Parched from the scorching sun, you’re relieved to see a small well surrounded by palm trees up ahead. As you desperately draw water from the well to drink, you notice a skinny weasel looking up at you with pleading eyes. While you know that weasels are clever creatures and chase mice and snakes, they aren’t very popular….

You decide to:

  • Shoo the weasel away
  • Give the weasel some water and some of your rations
Put the Weasel on a leash
You wake with a start in the middle of the night - there seems to be something moving near your tent. You leave the tent with the weasel straining to escape its leash and follow you. The light from the moon shows the silhouette of a large rooster…with a long tail - this must be a Basilisk!

Before you can utter a word, the head of the Basilisk turns and two great glowing eyes meet your gaze and a hissing sound fills your ears. Those eyes and the hiss are the last things you see and hear before you perish - it seems at least one attribute of the Basilisk is its deadly gaze, which explains the mysterious deaths of the villagers.

End of Journey.
Let the Weasel travel unleashed
You wake with a start in the middle of the night - there seems to be something moving near your camp. The light from the moon shows the silhouette of a large rooster… with a long tail - this must be a Basilisk! Before you can say a word, the little weasel jumps on the Basilisk, fiercely biting it!

This seems to severely wound the basilisk and it lies with its eyes and mouth closed. The little weasel follows you cautiously as you approach the creature….
Shoo the Weasel
You shoo the weasel away, but it keeps coming back to you, seemingly trying to tell you something. Impatiently, you kick some sand at the weasel, finally driving it away, and allowing you to get some rest.

You wake with a start in the middle of the night - there seems to be something moving near the well. The light from the moon shows the silhouette of a large rooster…with a long tail - this must be a Basilisk!

Before you can utter a word, the head of the Basilisk turns and two great glowing eyes meet your gaze. Those eyes are the last thing you see before you perish - it seems at least one attribute of the Basilisk is its deadly gaze, a pity you didn’t know that before you set out on your journey.

End of Journey.
Give the Weasel water
The poor little weasel looked so pathetic, you couldn’t resist giving it a sip of water from your cupped hands and some dried dates. Showing its appreciation, it affectionately rubs its head against your leg and walks away. It looks back at you obviously wanting you to follow it to a palm tree on the other side of the well.

As you approach the palm tree, you notice something at its base. With a small scream of surprise, you realise it’s a skeleton clutching an old scroll! You pick the scroll up and begin to read the shaky handwriting: “It has been many days in pursuit of the basilisk that killed many people in my village with its deadly gaze and hiss. Last night as I lay resting it attempted to attack me - I survived by closing my eyes and stuffing my ears with wool to resist its hiss. Alas it managed to bite me and soon I felt a growing fear at the very thought of water! It is here as I grow weak from the bite and the fear of water preventing me from drinking, that I write this note to caution travellers to this area! BEWARE THE BASILISK”

You wake with a start in the middle of the night - there seems to be something moving near the well. The light from the moon shows the silhouette of a large rooster…with a long tail - this must be a Basilisk! Before you can say a word, the little weasel has reappeared and jumps on the Basilisk, biting it!

This seems to severely wound the basilisk and it lies with its eyes and mouth closed. The little weasel follows you cautiously as you approach the creature….
The Basilisk
With the Basilisk safely knocked out, you warily circle it, eager to document this powerful creature. With your journal at the ready, you begin to sketch the creature with a body of Rooster and a tail of a snake, and create a detailed list of its special attributes including:

  • Ability to kill from a distance with its gaze, scent or its hiss
  • Vulnerability to weasels – they are the only creature that can kill a Basilisk
  • Prefers dry climates or places
  • Its bite can cause the victim to become hydrophobic (scared of water)
  • Fire from its mouth can kill birds
  • Is known as the “King of Serpents”

You relocate the sleeping Basilisk to a place far away from people it could harm. As you release the Basilisk, you make a swift getaway as it begins to stir, pleased with your accomplishment – Uncle Philip would be proud with your growing Bestiary!

Your Bestiary
The Basilisk, a flying animal with 
                            large wings and a long neck. Colourised image. The Basilisk, a flying animal with 
                            large wings and a long neck. Black and white image.
The Dragon, a flying reptilian animal. Colourised. The Dragon, a flying reptilian animal. Black and white.
The Phoenix, a brightly coloured flying animal. Colourised. The Phoenix, a brightly coloured flying animal. Black and white.
The Hydrus. Colourised. The Hydrus. Black and white.
The Unicorn. Colourised. The Unicorn. Black and white.